3 definitions by Nikola is my real name now go&

Chibe is the cry you use to chase away dogs in the Balkans. If you try to tell them SHUU, GET AWAY, or something like that, they won't understand you and will tear you apart as like a pig did it with the sack of fatty
😡🐕😡: АВ! АВ! АВ! (AW! AW! AW!) woof
Non Balkan: Heey body ! What you want ?
😡🐕😡: ? РРРРРРР ! ! ! (RRRRRRR!!!)
Non Balkan: 😨
Balkanian: ЧИБЕ БРЕ ! ČIBE BRE ! ! ! MRŠ ! BITO ! BITO-U !
😨🐕😨: Кави, кави-ови, кави-ови-овии, км, км, км.. (kawi, kawi-owi, kawi-owi-owi, kmh, kmh, kmh...)
Non Blakan: You people are underrated !
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This emoji is often used by developers or gamers to express their frustrations (shows laughing in agony) Like AAAAAAAAAAAAahaaaaa! HA! hha! Ha!
🎃 pumpkin (jack o' lantern)
Situation 1:
Developer (perfect writing code in concetration 6h withou't any mess !)
GOD: /summon minecraft:lightning_bolt ~x ~y ~ z at substation (↩enter)
Developer's PC: (⬛⬛)
Developer: 🎃
Situation 2:
Rich Gamer (child of "rich" parents): Hey bro, this cool new game is awesome, I literally don't know what I would do if it didn't come out, I have to play it 24/7 now! being toxic
YOU(windows XP user without desk or way to cool the room): 🎃 🎃 🎃
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