2 definitions by Nikita the BOY

Nikita is the best bro you can ever have! If you’re friends with a Nikita, then congrats your the 1%! Nikita is the kindest and most loyal friends you can have! If you know a Nikita then a Reese’s cup is the perfect gift! If you bully a Nikita then don’t worry, they almost never fight back only because they don’t believe in violence, but trust me if you push them over the edge then things can get ugly. And trust me Nikita is a BOY! Any girls Named Nikita are fake, and should change their name immediately!
Nikita is such a cool BOY

Dang Nikita is such a bro!

Wowza, that Nikita sure is something!

Nikita deserves more Reese’s cups!
by Nikita the BOY February 4, 2022
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Joori is a disgusting dog that deserves no more than any average k9. If I think Joori is anything other than terrible then your wrong. If you think that Joori is loyal, corpngrats your stupid. As someone who knows a Joori, the best way to put them in their place is to grab them by the shirt and force feed them Shwarma.


by Nikita the BOY February 4, 2022
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