14 definitions by Nickelman from the boonies.

When property, like a Chinese restaurant, is seized by the Chinese government to make way for another public-sector or private-sector enterprise and inadequate compensation, or no compensation at all, is paid to the owner of that property.

Alternatively, it would be a prize given to a professional Chinese chef who makes the best lo mein around.
When the Three Gorges Dam was built the Chinese government declared Eminent Lo Mein and thousands of Chinese restaurants were seized and shut down in order to make way for the new reservoir.

Hu Wang Fat makes the best lo mein in Albany, NY. He should receive an Eminent Lo Mein award Culinary Institute.
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3M WOJ8 is another license plate that has been banned in a number of American states the first one being NY State. When viewed in the rear view mirror it says "blow me." Believed by some to be the second-best vulgar plate to have ever been issued by any state motor vehicle department, the first being 3M TA3.

This plate first appeared in 2005 before being revoked in 2007. It made a brief reappearance for a few months several years later after falling off of the DMV's banned list but was once again subsequently revoked.
by Nickelman from the boonies. February 26, 2013
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Seattle Stew is great tasting dish made from IKEA meatballs that have horse-meat in them. It could be eaten on the anniversary of the death of the famous racehorse called Seattle Slew out of either respect or disrespect.

Alternatively, if one opened a slaughterhouse for horses in Seattle, Washington, one could call stew containing horse meat Seattle stew.
I just ate some meatballs from IKEA and when I found out that I had done so I got to thinking about horses and then I remembered the legendary Seattle Slew. hence the name, Seattle Stew.
by Nickelman from the boonies. February 25, 2013
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A person who claims to be a Democrat but is in reality an extreme left-wing bleeding-heart liberal and like a hemorrhoid bleeds blood a Demorrhoid bleeds ideology and to make matters even worse claims to help people but ends up hurting them even more.
The Demorrhoids in San Francisco claim to help the homeless by throwing money at them but instead have only made the homeless problem even worse. Across the country Demorrhoids in power release inmates from prison because they think imprisoning people is inhumane but the end result is that innocent law-abiding citizens become the victims of increased crime and the "downtrodden" "abused" criminals end up with more rights than their victims. Demorrhoids preach that we must be compassionate to illegal aliens who come to America and yet Americans become the victims of the criminals who come here and the taxpayers have to pay to support these illegals including the attorneys who end up defending them. .
by Nickelman from the boonies. April 20, 2023
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Black, negro, biracial, brown, mulatto.
I saw a gorgeous light-skinned black girl, obviously biracial. Lighter than dark chocolate but darker than white chocolate. More like chocolite.
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MATHEMATICS: The exponent, or power, to which 10 has to be raised to express any positive real number.

Logarithm is derived from Greek logos "reckoning, ratio," and arithmos "number."
Since I can't make a nice table, let's use the following format: Base, Exponent, Expression, Result such that in line 1, Base = 10, Exponent = -3, Expression = 10^-3, Result = 0.001. We obtain,

10, -3,10^-3, 0.001 (or 1/1000) (line 1)

10, -2, 10^-2, 0.01 (or 1/100)

10, -1, 10^-1, 0.1 (or 1/10)

10, 0, 10^0, 1

10, 1, 10^1, 10

10, 2, 10^2, 100 (10 squared)

10, 3, 10^3, 1,000 (10 cubed)

And so forth.

Any positive real number can be expressed as the product of 10 raised to any real number; for example 100,000 can be written as 100 x 1000 = 10^2 x 10^3 = 10^5. Notice that the exponents are additive. It is easy to show that for division the exponents subtract.

Before the advent of hand-held electronic calculators, logarithms and the use of log tables reduced calculating time by converting long-hand multiplication into an addition process and long-hand division into a subtraction process where the result was accurate to three significant figures. One would just look up the logarithms of two or more numbers that were being multiplied, sum the logarithms, and then look up the corresponding number.

Another benefit of using logarithms is that curvilinear data points can be converted into linear data points, and the latter is easier to model with a first-order equation derived using either graph paper or linear regression analysis.
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The gibberish spouted by liberals or the liberal media.
Liberals condemn Republicans as greedy businessmen who ship jobs overseas for cheap labor and then laud Democrats who import illegal aliens as cheap labor.

LIberals believe socialism is a good thing and then deny all proof that socialism results in the murder of millions and the impoverishment of nations while the government sucks up all the wealth.

LIberals denounce crime and racism, but if you point out that blacks commit ten times more crime than whites they call you a racist.

LIberals believe Biden when he says he wants to create jobs and pay no attention when he passes laws and regulations that destroy jobs, a good example being the tens of thousands of jobs destroyed when he illegally canceled the Keystone XL pipeline and violated the Takings Clause in the process.....and then claims to uphold the Constitution!

Liberals condemn police for carrying guns and killing criminals, but when they are attacked by criminals they call for the cops to come and kill them, and then wants the cops defunded.

Every example just given is contradictory and hypocritical, and is just so much liberal gibberish. Put these last two words together and you get "libberish."
by Nickelman from the boonies. February 13, 2021
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