4 definitions by Nekko Erickson

1.The term 'Zed' was first introduced by the popular film 'Shaun of the Dead' when the main characters decided it was against good taste to call the people outside 'Zombies'. A 'Zed' (Another term for Zombie), is usually a mass of dead flesh reanimated into this world to eat the flesh and/or brains of the living. The problem is solved via the exploding of the 'Zed's head and/or brains through means of an axe, gun, explosive, cosmic ray-beam, or whatever have you. This seems solution seems to fit in well with the living nicely. The Zed's (Or Zombies) have not voiced their opinion on the matter.
2. A slang term in reference of the living dead used by rp (roleplay) characters. Usually used when fearing the word 'Zombie', or they are too lazy to say or spell said word.
3. A brainless or brain-dead person incapable of rational thought.
4. A brain-dead zombie.
5. The British/Irish/Bloody Stupid Canadian way of saying the letter 'Z', preferring to pronounce it 'Zed' instead of 'Zee'.
'Oy! That bloody Zed bit my arm off!'
'Heh, Frank's so drunk he's a Zed!'
'Oprah Winfry is a Zed! RUN!'
'From A to Zed!'
by Nekko Erickson January 5, 2006
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Diving: (Verb) Diving is the act entering the internet and delving deeper than most net 'surfers' tend to, using many or all old links you find in an effort to locate an obscure piece of information.
When Diving, the diver located a picture of Rosy O'Donnel before she was fat and ugly.
by Nekko Erickson January 18, 2006
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Net-Junkie: (Noun) a person who is addicted to the internet or spends a great deal of time surfing the web or 'Diving'. Net-junkies tend to not have lives, although, on rare occasions, one of them unwittingly downloads it from the internet.
Person 1: Oy? Where's Steve?
Person 2: Oh, Steve's on the Net again.
Person 1: He's such a Net-Junkie.
by Nekko Erickson January 18, 2006
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Verb. To dramatically lift the middle finger while refraining from lifting the index, middle, ring, thumb, or pinky fingers. This is also commonly known as 'Flipping Off', 'Giving the bird', 'Flashing Your Sign', or 'Giving the finger'. First introduced by the French longbowmen in the middle ages. It was known that longbowmen needed their middle finegr to fire arrows at the enemy. Essentially, they 'Flipped Off' their enemy, a derisive way of proving that they can still kill them. It still works today even! It is, in a rounabout way, a simple way of saying 'Fuck You, I can still kill you.' Of course, it is not called the 'French Victory Salute' for the same fact that the French have no victory songs, and their victory flag is a white picture on a white background with a white border.
'Shut up or I'll give you my Italian Victory Salute!'
by Nekko Erickson February 1, 2006
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