2 definitions by Nehemiah

A beautiful smart intelligent women who has the most beautiful smile in the world she is a great bsf a great girlfriend and if u have a kelis never lose her
by Nehemiah November 25, 2018
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See: badass
Character from the books The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, and The Bourne Ultimatum, which were all later made into movies. A (former) secret agent with the uncanny ability to capture, kill, or threaten virtually any man on the planet, no matter how high the cost or how risky the operation or how well-protected the individual. Though he actually dislikes killing, and has only assassinated one man--the name of whom I won't spoil--he's the best at what he does.
Not to be confused with David Webb, the mild-mannered college professor from Maine.
by Nehemiah August 22, 2005
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