4 definitions by Neddie Walker

Term used to describe the condition of a persons manhood after it has been subjected to a long night of sexual intercourse (usually without a condom), or over-enthusiastic masturbation. Normally red, throbbing and sore to the touch.
Oli: Did you have a good time with that slut last night then?
Mark: Yeah but my dick is so sore today.
Oli: Chlamydia?
Mark: Nah mate probs just a severe case of athlete’s penis.
by Neddie Walker June 2, 2011
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Acronym for the term Always Be Aloof & Ghosting.

ABAG is one of the principal techniques required to become a fuck boy/girl. It creates an attraction vacuum that sucks the other person in whilst boosting one’s ability to resist the incredibly dangerous development of feelings.
Aoife: This guy has been messaging me all day, he’s super keen
Sara: ABAG that fucker
by Neddie Walker November 23, 2019
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Alcohol Induced Parkinson's (or AIP), is the term used to describe the uncontrollable, Parkinson's-esque tremors experienced after a heavy night on the sauce. Main culprits are spirits, sugary cocktails and highly caffeinated beverages. Not to be confused with cold induced shivers or regular Parkinson's.
Oli: "Why are you shaking so much?"
Pete: "Got way too drunk last night, woke up with a serious case of Alcohol Induced Parkinson's today."
by Neddie Walker October 31, 2013
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