3 definitions by Nate Eats

When ones Vagina has become "twitchy" and unable to be inserted by any penis or likewise object due to the "twitchy" pussy causing pain and discomfort.
Example 1 - My spastic pussy means my boyfriend has had to seek intercourse elsewhere.

Example 2 - I have had to go and see a psychiatrist to get my spastic pussy fixed and overcome my mental issues surrounding it.

Example 3- I had some cells removed from my pussy now it's all tight and twitchy like a spastic pussy.
by Nate Eats November 11, 2013
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When Toes are joined together by a flap of skin giving the look of frog like toes.
Example 1 - ohh my god what is wrong with your toes they look like they are webbed toes.
by Nate Eats November 23, 2013
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The act of googling and having a poo simultaneously to derive an answer to a poopy thought.
Person 1: Hi honey is the video store still open?
Person 2: not sure babe, while im in the loo I will Poogle it.
by Nate Eats September 29, 2014
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