3 definitions by Naiin

1. Someone who is so dumb that using idiot or moron wouldn't be enough to fully get across the point of how stupid they really are
1. The only way to describe you would be to combine idiot and moron, ergo you are half idiot, half moron
by Naiin May 11, 2008
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The state of being angry and/or mad. A more suitable way to say: pissed off
Student 1: This homework pisses me off!

Student A: This project makes me very angremad!
by Naiin June 22, 2009
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A technique using gel electrophoresis to locate a certain protein. Primary antibodies are used to attach to the protein, then secondary antibodies attach to the primary antibodies to exhibit something that can be viewed. e.g. fluoresce.

The gel commonly used for the blot is a polyacrylamide gel.
Yesterday I ran a western blot on the protein I extracted from my rat brain cells.
by Naiin June 22, 2009
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