1 definition by Nadinesux

Orion is the guy you sat next to in seventh grade science and had a huge crush on. He claimed he was gay, but then told you he used to like you, then started liking you again. You guys had a thing for months and he made you feel like the most special girl in the world. Made you feel important and loved. Then, he started leaving your messages on read and totally forgot about you, breaking your heart, only to still be sad about it a year later. You don't blame him, but you Blame yourself. Your feelings for him are just as strong as they were a year ago. You miss him like crazy and would do most anything to be able to see and talk to him.
"Yo girl, what happened with you and Orion?"
"I have no clue, he stopped talking to me. I think he's dead."
by Nadinesux August 5, 2018
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