3 definitions by NWAwalrus

Longer version of the word Kyke, it is a discriminatory term used against jews. You say this word if you want to be extra harsh on someone, you call them a Kyketer
"Oh my god, why are you being so braindead, you are such a Kyketer!"
by NWAwalrus June 25, 2022
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Someone who lets their ego control all of their personality traits and actions.
"Wow, Jason always brags about how good he is, he is such an ego machine!"
by NWAwalrus January 2, 2022
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A mindless creature, especially one that plays League of Legends, they have no idea what they are doing and are lost in life most of the time. If you ask them a question, they will completely ignore you because they have a Zombie Brain.
"SP, what are you doing, why are you taking blue while we are taking dragon, do you have a Zombie Brain?!?!?!!?"
by NWAwalrus June 25, 2022
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