3 definitions by MyFriendKicksTrees

The state of being really gullible and dumb
Hey dude wanna play dokkapon?
"Nah, but our other friends aren't here"
I'm skyping them for chem, wanna play?
"Oh yea, sure!"
Haha, I'm trolling, you're stoopid
by MyFriendKicksTrees November 22, 2018
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When a group of Bicurious Bronies watch My Little Pony while vicariously staring at each other with a banana in their mouths.
Dude, I'm 41 and I want to go have a birthday party at Papa John's.
"Bro, that's as weird as a wazzlepap in July"
by MyFriendKicksTrees December 30, 2016
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