2 definitions by My name is Mud.
A place for people to argue about the merits and faults of the Republikkkan party. Oh yeah, and boobies.
by My name is Mud. March 23, 2005
The act of dipping ones balls in a bucket of drywall mud and then teabagging a lazy or napping member of the constitution crew. Add a peice of drywall tape to make the stamp complete. Members of the #505 local union are the G.O.A.T at the paper stamp.
Mike: "Hey Joe, do you see John's lazy ass sleeping over in the corner?"
Joe: "Yeah , fetch me my mud bucket, I'm about to paper stamp his bitch ass face".
Joe: "Yeah , fetch me my mud bucket, I'm about to paper stamp his bitch ass face".
by My name is Mud. January 18, 2025