3 definitions by Mrs.Reznor

A strong, handsome man.
Very tough and manly.
On the outside is Stoic, yet has a heart of gold.
Kind and generous but won't deal with bullshit or drama.
Extremely intelligent.
A master of all trades.
The best person you'll ever meet.
Extremely sexy.
"That guy Rondo is a B.A.M.F!"
by Mrs.Reznor December 26, 2016
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Sneeze Seizure
When you're trying to sneeze without making noise and it causes you to jerk around so you look like you're having a seizure.
Feeling a sneeze- coming and knowing any sudden noise would wake the baby, the woman had a sneezure.
by Mrs.Reznor September 26, 2017
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Also known as the "slang dip"

1. To leave in a hurry

2. To exit quickly

3. To bail on a person, event, or place
He said "fuck this" and dip dipped outta there
by Mrs.Reznor June 7, 2019
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