1 definition by Mrs Price

Someone who repeatingly tells you that were cool. He very seldoms calls to see hows your day going. You realize that you are the one who seem to be calling or interested. He calls you about every 4 days or so in the middle of the night around 12am or first thing early in the morning to say, Whats Up? or I need you to come over and give me some. Constantly tells you that he doesnt want to committ or be in a relationship at the moment and that he is seeing other people on a regular and that if he chooses to have sex, he will be protected at all times. Then, he'll turn around and tell you that he dont want to hurt you or mislead you in the wrong way. But constantly calls and wants to have sex only when he wants it and never rarely when u suggest or indicate. His main focus is to please himself and not to have any concern about how you should feel or want to be loved, carressed, or pleasured.
We are nothing more than just friends with benefits.
by Mrs Price January 19, 2008
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