2 definitions by Mrisrael

A term urging others to enjoy whatever new object they have just purchased. It can also mean something akin to “wear it well” (when referring to clothing, as it often is) or “use it well. when referring to anything else”

Translation of Hebrew word "tithadesh - תִּתְחַדֵּשׁ" , which does not have an English translation. It is a very common word in the hebrew language, and is very nice to say to someone who purchased something new!
1: Is that a new car?
2:Yea i just bought it
1: wow it's beautiful, toodyhoo
by Mrisrael September 19, 2017
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Congratulations on something new. Translation of Hebrew word: titchadesh תתחדש
Hey, is that a new car? It's beautiful ,toodyhoo.
by Mrisrael September 10, 2017
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