3 definitions by MrSmartyPants

The dry, irritated condition your eyes achieve from watching too much television. See also Internet eyes, Playstation eyes, XBox eyes.
Man, I stayed up to watch that Charmed marathon. I had TV eyes from hell.
by MrSmartyPants February 16, 2009
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A euphemism for mother-f***ing. Recently seen in the televised version of Snakes on a Plane.
Samuel L. Jackson: I have had it with these monkey-fighting snakes on this Monday-to-Friday plane! (Cocks gun.)
by MrSmartyPants April 27, 2009
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The dry, irritated feeling your eyes get when you've been at your computer too long. Often, your eyes take on a bloodshot look. See also TV eyes, PlayStation eyes, XBox eyes.
A. Dude, what's with the Internet eyes?
B. Man, I just spent six hours at urbandictionary.com. My eyes are dry as f*ck!
by MrSmartyPants February 17, 2009
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