4 definitions by Mr. Quagglecheck

When you are so bored that you type in every single character (excluding numpad) on the keyboard including the spacebar hoping to find something
Guy at work:qwertyuiop{}asdfghjkl:;'"\|zxcvbnm,<.>/?1!`~2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_= +
by Mr. Quagglecheck June 22, 2019
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The foundation of The Internet, a place where its reation is debated whether its a good idea or not.
Person 1: The EU is making Article 13, this will destroy memes
Person 2: Oh shit, the foundation of the internet will die!
by Mr. Quagglecheck December 30, 2019
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Not Safe At All: Used to describe things that you shouldn't watch. At all. Like NSFW but infinitely worse
Friend 1: Check out this porno
Friend 2: Dude thats NSAA
by Mr. Quagglecheck April 20, 2019
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An expression typically used by centrists, or apolitical people explaining how they would rather grill than be brought into political discussions
All the media says is "racism, shootings, socialism, KKK"
I just wanna grill for god's sakes
by Mr. Quagglecheck December 14, 2021
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