5 definitions by Mr. Bad

The phrase "Iced Tea Faggot" was originated in a "Faggot War" between two individuals on the popular Voice Over IP program called Ventrilo. The battle consisted of many household items with "Faggot" as a suffix to all items listed. "Iced Tea Faggot" was dropped like the A-Bomb on Nagasaki, and the victim was and will forever be subjected to ridicule as being the first Iced Tea Faggot within the known Universe.

- A faggot that ventures beyond all gayness and faggotry, surpassing both time and space.

- Also used to describe an individual who orders Iced Tea at every meal or listens to the rapper Ice T.
Person 1: I found my old CD's the other day, and decided we'd listen to ICE T in the car today.
Person 2: ICE T FAGGOT!

Person 1: I bought this really cool man purse the other day, it goes really well with these Pumas.
Person 2: ICED TEA FAGGOT!!!!

Waiter: What would you like to drink sir?
Person 1: I'll take an Iced Tea please.
Person 2: ICED TEA FAGGOT!!!

Iced Tea Faggot may also be shortened down to "Iced Tea" if used on a regular basis.
by Mr. Bad April 13, 2008
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The act of answering a telephone call or having a conversation with someone while sleeping, then later having no recollection it took place.

Best utilized when asking favors of friends they would normally not agree to.
Ryan: Hey John where are your car keys at? I'm going to be late for my date tonight.

John: Huh? I didn't say you could borrow my car...

Ryan: Yea you did, I asked you this morning before I went to work at 5:30 and you said it was cool.

John: Yea, I was sleep talking, ass hole.

Ryan: That sounds like a personal problem, now give me your keys!
by Mr. Bad April 28, 2011
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Holy shit your bore and have not her else to do. Probably also sayin that you are a lonely person and you should get a girl friend.

Fuck go away all ready

Fuck you
by Mr. Bad February 18, 2020
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The act of failing in an extremely fast and/or consitant manner. Commonly used on internet forums and online gaming to describe noobs or bads.
Player 1: God damnit! I'm always the first one to die on our team!!!
Player 2: Maybe if you wouldn't turbofail we'd be winning.

Forumer 1: OMG look at my hawt sister.
Forumer 2: Turbofail.
by Mr. Bad January 23, 2008
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- Used in online gaming to describe "Noobs" or "Bads".
- Failing in a sequential or consistent manner, usually repeating the same Fail more than once.
As used in a sentence:

Gamer 1 "Gamer 2, do you know you're killing all your teammates

Gamer 2: No I though I was a counter-terrorist.

Gamer 1: Failing spree!!!!!!!!
by Mr. Bad April 13, 2008
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