3 definitions by Mr. Senor Jose Sanchez

BPD Club

Stands for Brown Polo Day club. They are the coolest group of society. They wear Brown Polo shirts on the first day of school (also known as Brown Polo Day.
It is an exclusive club that is reserved for the most cool people on earth and wear Brown Polo shirts.
Paul is in BPD club because he is a badass and wears brown polo shirts on Brown Polo Day.
by Mr. Senor Jose Sanchez August 24, 2006
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Brown Polo Day

A day devoted to wearing a specific color and type of shirt to school.
The first day of school we are wearing Brown Polo shirts and that day will then be declared Brown Polo Day.
by Mr. Senor Jose Sanchez August 24, 2006
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Sweet Ass Shit

Something that is so cool that the word cool cannot describe it. The single most badass thing on the face of the planet. Also known as SAS.
Brown Polo Day is Sweet Ass Shit. Or...BPD is SAS!
by Mr. Senor Jose Sanchez August 24, 2006
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