1 definition by Mr Shiller

morphology: Originating from Australian south-east, the Word 'Beren' is shortening of the lexical item 'Berenism', a medium-small organisation which has been self-defined as a student fraternity operating out of Melbourne, but has been labeled as being run more like a cult. The exact happenings of Berenism remain unclear, however there was some publicity in january of 2008 following the attempt to recruit large numbers of kids from lower year levels (years 7-8) accross the monash district. Over 300 kids from the lower year levels joined after people who refused to join were subjected to a stream of abuse and neglect from the older members (and eventually their younger peers).

While the exact purpose of the group is unknown, and there is some speculation that they are engaged in illegal activities, it is clear that the group does have some kind of external revenue generating stream as they are frequently able to finance events.

There is also rumour that the entire group was created an managed by a person who was actually called 'Beren', however this is also just speculation as no singular person by this name is known to exist within the group.

The word 'beren' has also been turned into both noun and adjective:
A) Creative yet irresponsible, risky and leading to an undesirable consequence for someone
N) One of the older members of the berenism group, the younger members are known as 'future Berens'
'i saw some Berenism recruiters trying to get people to join today'
'haha joey changed the school flag to his net sig, thats so beren'
'i saw some older kids trying to Beren this year 7 today...'
by Mr Shiller October 4, 2009
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