1 definition by Mooseturd

Kirt (noun), plural: Kirts
An attention seeking, self-promoting charlatan found in developing countries who is one part white-savior complex and three parts conspiracy theorist. Almost always a loud mouthed man child, though very rare female versions are rumored to exist. Usually trying to teach a bunch of locals anything from Marxist veganism to genderless theory of thermodynamics. Will shamelessly pass on his or her half-baked conspiracy theories as local sentiment to chalk up some point.

Loves to lecture the poor locals about how screwed up everything in their country is ("the water is racist" or "your food is homophobic"). Might set up multiple social media pages and accounts to serve as sock puppets to enhance his or her stature. Definitely not a cunt, as at least a cunt has warmth and depth.
John: "Did you know that the Government has recruited the trees to spy on the locals? I can always hear them whispering."
Amanda: "Jeez, you're such a Kirt!"
Ashley: "So ... Michael told me that the locals had been drinking their water wrong all this time."
Patricia: "Stay the fuck away from Michael. He's a Kirt."
by Mooseturd September 14, 2020
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