2 definitions by MoonlitStarr

Someone ( typically someone with a more stern outlook on life )'s sweeter side, this may be referring to just a nicer side of the person, or having a crush on someone,
"Have you seen Person A's sweet side? I noticed them showing that side of them a few days ago!"
by MoonlitStarr November 10, 2017
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Butterflies are a warm, ticklish and fuzzy feeling you may get in your stomach when you are romantically interested in someone,
or when someone you have some kind of crush on shows you some kind of affection, most commonly, flirting or a peck on the cheek, something innocent but shows they have an interest in you back.
" Oh yeah, he ALWAYS gets these butterflies in his stomach over her. "
by MoonlitStarr November 10, 2017
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