3 definitions by Monkeyman1294

She is a soul that you’ll enjoy to be around and is very attractive but she’ll never admit it she is also big into hello kitty clothes regardless she is someone you care about despite the fact that she can’t reach the top shelf.
Lilla Christie is hot
by Monkeyman1294 October 13, 2020
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She is a kind and generous soul that you constantly want to be around. She wears Hello kitty clothes at way to old of an age but despite the fact she can’t reach the top shelf you still lover her
Lilla Christie is HOT
by Monkeyman1294 October 13, 2020
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A smart beautiful women with a strange obsession for hello kitty she is someone that you’ll want to be near but can never seem to get as near as you’d like, She also struggles to reach the top shelf.
Lilla Christie is short
by Monkeyman1294 October 13, 2020
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