2 definitions by Mitzvah

(1) an unfortunate disaster; or
(2) the unfortunate actualization of an otherwise avoidable disaster, caused by the carelessness or stupidity of one person.
(3) a klutz; an ass-hat; a fuck up.

(1) to cause a nillix;
(2) to botch, bungle, or fuck up


Chris: "How'd the game go?"
Justin: "Ugh, it was a total nillix... John practically handed them the win."

"Ouch, he really nillixed that shot. The sun must've been in his eyes."
by Mitzvah October 8, 2007
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(1) Frustrated, due primarily (or to some large degree) by the absence of or inability to attain sexual activity.
(2) Hard-up; horny
(3) Sexually dissatisfied
"Gurl, I'm feelin' fucktrated... that's frustrated, with an emphasis on the fuck."
by Mitzvah May 13, 2008
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