4 definitions by Mike Ellis

The pasty white tan of a person who works over eighty hours a week and never gets any sun.
Bill's been doing a lot of hours lately -- he's really working on his programmer's tan.
by Mike Ellis April 10, 2004
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The point where a shopper gets sick of shopping or being in a mall.
Bob was experiencing 'mal de mall' as his girlfriend dragged him from one shoe store to another. He ditched her and agreed to pick her up in half an hour.
by Mike Ellis September 17, 2008
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Terminally ill patient requiring/desiring physician-assisted suicide.
Mr. Smith stroked-out. He's in desparate need of pillow therapy.
by Mike Ellis October 1, 2003
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fat guy who eats alot of cheeseburgers, wears a little coat, v neck and valures. He loves to eat, in fact lives to eat and "Loves Grease" His hair cut is bad and is called the "Flipper"
drew arrigan
by Mike Ellis December 10, 2003
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