5 definitions by Mien Kampf-the revised version

A response of disapproval given after someone suggests something that you absolutely don't want to do or don't agree with
Me: What do you want to do over break?
Abbie: How about we go skydiving without parachutes?
Me: How about no?
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A very rotund person who smells a little.
Joe: How was your flight?
Lisa: Awful! I was seated next to a ripe pear.
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Cake-makeup aka a thick layer of makeup
Inner Dialougue:

- I wonder how Olympians' skin always seems to look good.
-Maybe it's because exercise balances their hormones (?? ).

-Well, they are probably wearing a thick layer of cakeup though.
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"Hey Sara, *whisper whisper whisper*..."
"Dude, you have dragon breath. Here, want some gum?"
by Mien Kampf-the revised version November 28, 2015
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An ancient remnant of social media from the 2000's that died off by natural selection.
"Lol remember when there was myspace?"
by Mien Kampf-the revised version December 31, 2015
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