1 definition by Merron Mist

A Jankist is someone who needs things to make sense in a logical way that lines up almost perfectly with the way they think. It is someone who needs everything to have a purpose that they agree with. To them, there must always be a plan for every little thing in life. If something were to cause a change that they were not prepared for, they will shun it. Anything that deviates from the norm will generally be viewed with skepticism, cynicism, and if it would force them to change, outright hated. Creativity, experimentation, and fun, if not done by the jankist themselves, is viewed as childish garbage to the jankist. A Jankist will generally seek out the satisfaction of winning, at the end of the game, at the expense of having fun during the game. They will even go so far as to ruin the fun of the game for other players if things do not go the way they planned or wanted. Instead of attacking enemy players, a jankist can often be seen attacking or berating teammates.
"A healer is a healer and should not be permitted to be able to perform the role of a dps," said the jankist. "That's just not what healers were originally designed for. Stay the course."

META players who treat the meta in games like the bible are jankists.

Someone who thinks horses are meant for riding and for no other reason is a jankist.
by Merron Mist February 3, 2019
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