2 definitions by Mattie.w

They can come of as rude or quiet but when you met them there funny and cool they like to hang out but if you wake them up its gonna be hell if you argue with them there gonna trow some punches but they play fight with you and gossip with you cavans make dark jokes that never go to far they will seem like they dont care but they do there are afraid to lose you so never hurt a cavan
They seem rude
There not there really cool there name is cavan
by Mattie.w July 31, 2023
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There are very good friend you met them and you never want to let them go they are the funniest most coolist person if your sad your there first priority they love you unconditionally and will do anything for so do everything for them if you have one your a very lucky person and never hurt them or lose them
by Mattie.w July 31, 2023
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