2 definitions by Matt Tan

A mispronounciation of the word nuclear.used very commonly by President Bush. Also used as an expression towads someone with a lisp or a person who mispronuonces words often
1. Didja see that kwazy (crazy) ass movie last night?
2. Yea, but don't go pulling a nukalar on me
by Matt Tan December 18, 2005
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A adjective used commonly to describe an online chatter who overly uses acronyms such as lol omg rofl wtf etc. Synonym of OMGWTFBBQ
n00b_chatter1: Dude wtf, ma gal was like wtf, and i went lol and shes lik omg gth (go to hell) Ya knowz wots i mean?
Me: Yea an add a dash of cinnimon and you got yourself a big ass bowl of Rofl Sauce
by Matt Tan December 18, 2005
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