3 definitions by MarkHamiltonIsAGrannyShagger

Candad is a country in south america located near Brazil.
Fun facts: DuckDuckGo was founded in Candad
I met a ping spoofer in Candad and we ate cheesy fries
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Choaklit Cream is a drink that was crafted by vikings back in the day, they formed this drink by milking a holy goat and sprinkling flakes of choaklit, sourced from the himalayas.
This drink was popularised by the professional shagger Caz Milligan.
I heard that Caz knocked out Mark because he drank a Choaklit Cream before the fight.
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TreakleSneeple is a verb used to describe/insult someone.
It means a Spikey Onion who gets his hair cut at the raploch barber and eats orange creams
Callum Strang is such a TreakleSneeple!
by MarkHamiltonIsAGrannyShagger November 26, 2020
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