17 definitions by Madman With A Cause

A shit that flies out effortlessly, like a perfect take off of a rocket off to space. Usually angular and aerodynamically inclined.
"That turd flew out like a Soyuz Rocket, I feel loads better now"
by Madman With A Cause July 27, 2016
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A person, while in the act of attempting to shit, decides to grace the entire bathroom with their improvisational percussion skills on their legs or TP holder.
Robert had just walked up to the urinal to do his business, the man sitting in the stall next to him decided to break into a poor attempt at a drum run from Tom Sawyer. Rob immediately rolled his eyes, "Neal Poot, right" he thought.
by Madman With A Cause July 27, 2016
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Someone who is capable of consuming large quantities of alcohol, and while drunk, are still quite capable of beating the living tar out of most people.
"Man, that's like your 15th shot, how are you still standing? "

"I told you, I am a brutal savage, don't fuck with me! "
by Madman With A Cause July 27, 2016
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