3 definitions by Mad-Yoke-From-Ireland

Someone around the age of 12/13 who has not yet had a meet/shift/french kiss. Irish slang.
In the Irish educational system, after graduating from primary school (about 12 years old) you move onto the first year in secondary school. Therefore a first-year is just your average pre-teen. However, by that age, the best way to be popular is to not be a fridget. A fridget is someone who has never "met" (also Irish slang.) someone. In most cases, people are slagged for being a first-year fridget, but only lightly by friends. Being a first-year fridget isn't bad, but boys typically try to get a meet before first year to avoid the situation altogether, and also in an attempt to show off to their friends.
"Hey, in your school do you get bullied for being a first-year fridget?"
"Nah, yer grand."
"No mate, you're screwed."
"Don't worry though. Just go to a disco or something. You'll get a meet there.

"Thanks, bro."
by Mad-Yoke-From-Ireland July 23, 2018
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Irish slang word for a wild party, typically at a "gaff" (irish slang for house).
"Righ', so my mam and da are out so I'll be having a mad gaffer!"
by Mad-Yoke-From-Ireland July 23, 2018
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Someone who has never had a meet/shift/french kiss. Irish slang.
"Did you hear? Poor Cliona is getting slagged for being a first-year fridget!"

"Awh, no way!"

"Yes, way!"

"Ah, you should see the number of people asking me if I was a fridget on my sarahah the other day! Like, cop on. I've been to Wrights enough times that there's no way I'm a fridget! Are you a fridget?"

"Of course not Sarah! Why do you think I'm so popular with the lads on our road!"

"Omg, no way! Did you actually?"

"Yeah. Johnny was a pretty bad meet but the rest were sound."

"Johnny? I thought he said he met loads of girls! You'd think he'd be an okay meet!"

"Not a chance! Before me, he was a fridget!!!"
by Mad-Yoke-From-Ireland July 23, 2018
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