5 definitions by Mabecorp

Child-like way of saying spaghetti.

Phonetic: puh-sket-ti

Etymology: Italian

Pronunciation enPR: psəgĕtʹē, (key): /psəˈɡɛti/, X-SAMP: /ps@"gEti/

Rhymes: -ɛti

Noun. A long thin stringy pasta usually covered in some type of sauce, and/or meatballs.

"Please pass the pasghetti...."

Adjective. A term used to describe thinner sized objects, flimsy, or obscure objects.

1. Spaghetti straps on a shirt,
2. dizzy, off balance, etc
3. Spaghetti Western, or Kung Fu (Martial Arts)
Noun. "Please pass the pasghetti...."

Adjective. "I love pasghetti westerns."
by Mabecorp October 15, 2013
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Inperpetual continuity - - -- ously
I created a continuitous timeline in the storyline.
by Mabecorp March 4, 2010
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–noun Medicine/Medical

Professional who treats disease by means of x-rays or of radioactive substances.

RT(T) Registered Radiation Therapy Technologist
(American Society of Radiologic Technologists)


1900–05; radio- + therapy

Galveston College Class of 2011
The rey-dee-oh-ther-uh-pist, RT (T) can treat your sniffnoid!
by Mabecorp May 14, 2011
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spank·noid (sp angk 'noid)

The sphenoid bone.

1. Wedge-shaped.
2. Of or relating to the sphenoid bone.

1. What she "says" in class.


spank·noidal (-noidl) adj.
Hey, what is number 13? Is it the spank-noid bone?!?
by Mabecorp April 25, 2010
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RT(T) Registered Radiation Therapy Technologist

(American Society of Radiologic Technologists)



–noun Medicine/Medical

Professional who treats disease by means of x-rays or of radioactive substances.


1900–05; radio- + therapy

Galveston College Class of 2011
The radiation therapist, RT (T) can treat your sniffnoid!
by Mabecorp May 14, 2011
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