1 definition by MPetsplayer


Marapets, where to begin....A popular virtual petsite, mainly because how horribly its run.
Lets start with staff
Overpowered, lazy, don't care. A few words to describe them. And seven active staff members to run over 2000 members a day. worthless. Forums aren't watched, and a rule is broken on every board. But they don't care. They ignore it, I've been told myself by a staff member "if to many forums get reported, we just delete them all lol"
Now originality.
Can you say neopets? Yeah, basically everything is based of neo because the retarded fag running the site has no imagination. Have you seen how many fairys there are? Screams neo. And the graphics, constantly changing style.
Pornographic, and nude adds are normal to see, not much else to say there.
I already said help from staff is not possible, so how about talking to the owner? Not gonna happen either. I sent an email two years ago and still haven't gotten an answer. He probably just ignores them. All he does is realease account upgrades and go on vacation with the money people spend on the site.
Speaking of Account Upgrades.
There all fairy, which is a rip off of neo. Anybody who buys one is immune to being banned or getting in trouble because you just helped the owner pay for his next vacation.
Things come out when they aren't even finished. And they always "glitch" that just means the lazy ass mother fucker running the site didn't finish coding it, but wants members to stick around so he half ass realeses it anyway. Things "promised" two years ago still haven't began. Buts thats because it doesn't earn him money so he doesn't care.
13 and under.
You supposedly have to be 13 and over to use communication, but kids well under 10 are always playing on the forums and talking to people. Exposing them to porno adds is going to get him a legal case.
I hope that bastard gets sued, and burns in hell.

The owner of marapets is the biggest waste of sperm and egg. The best part of him ran down his mother's leg!
Marapets is horrible
by MPetsplayer April 20, 2009
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