3 definitions by MMs

This is an actual person whose name is Amart.
Exchange of words.... "Hey BIA..."

"You are!"
by MMs April 11, 2005
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A scientific publication of mediocre quality published in a respectable scientific journal exclusively thanks to connections of the senior author. The connections are frequently a result of doing a PhD in a respectable lab at a respectable university under a supervision of a professor with a respectable reputation. The 'tenure track paper' doesn't really explain anything of scientific merit and usually has only one objective - to fill out one spot in a necessary publications quota of the senior author to secure the permanent Associate Professor position within the university, aka the tenure.
A: "What do you think of the paper of Long which just came out recently?"
B: "I'm wondering why he is getting paid to do this "research". Classic 'tenure track paper'...
by MMs November 4, 2014
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