3 definitions by MKasper
A term used used to describe how your balls might smell, typicaly after walking around in the heat all day.
by MKasper August 9, 2006
Did you know that Steve is a yag yug?
by MKasper August 18, 2006
1.The term that people from New Jersey say lovingly to tell people where they are from.
2.A term people from other states call New Jersey if they want to get knocked the fuck out.
2.A term people from other states call New Jersey if they want to get knocked the fuck out.
1. Man 1. Where are you from?
Man 2. I represent Dirty Jerz to the fullist.
2. Man 1. Don't listin to him he is from Dirty Jerz...
Man 1. (a few hours later) Man, I just got knocked the
fuck out...
Man 2. I represent Dirty Jerz to the fullist.
2. Man 1. Don't listin to him he is from Dirty Jerz...
Man 1. (a few hours later) Man, I just got knocked the
fuck out...
by MKasper August 11, 2006