2 definitions by MEOWMIXMAN

When delicious ice cream is melted due to it being unattended turning into a liquid where you consume it like soup.
I forgot and left my bowl of ice cream too long now its all liquidy... It's an ice cream soup!
by MEOWMIXMAN August 21, 2009
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Born February 14, 1921 she is the mayor of Mississauga, Ontario Canada. One of the longest serving mayors in Canada, she has served Mississauga well for more then 30 years. Every election in Mississauga is lopsided towards her, although who's complaining?

She does an excellent job of keeping Mississauga clean, have low crime rates, and our city wealthy (I think we have $200 million dollars in reserves?) Also she promises to keep Toronto out of our city maintaining our unique identity.
Hazel McCallion is also known as Hurricane Hazel for her vibrant outspoken style of no-nonsense politics.
by MEOWMIXMAN April 3, 2009
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