18 definitions by M Dogg

What you do to get the mean green so you can put dubz on your whip. Its your job, not your career.
Todd: "I saw you cleaning poop off the shitter in the shopping mall bathrooms."
Tyrone: "Yah, S' what I do for a livin' nigga!"
Todd: "LOLOLOLOLOLOL............ by the way I like your new rims."
by M Dogg March 26, 2005
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What you gotta do to get the mean green so you can put dubz on your whip.
Todd: "I saw you cleaning the poop off the shitters in the shopping mall bathrooms."
Tyrone: "Yah man, S' what I do for a livin' nigga!
by M Dogg March 26, 2005
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How most people say "Did You Call Me?"
Slow the fuck down when you talk and you won't sound like such a German!
Kevin: "Jew call me last night?"
Corey: "Please slow down when you talk Kevin. You just said the word jew."
by M Dogg March 26, 2005
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When 2 or more Cab Drivers pull up next to eachother in a parking lot. This event usually takes place at night or early morning. They pull up beside eachother in opposate directions so they can talk. This is called Cabbie Sex. Remember when you were a little kid and youd see 2 dragon flys having sex? you would try to hit them or make them stop? this is the same for Cabbie Sex. your natural urge is to get it to stop.
Doug: Look, those 2 cabbies are having cabbie sex.
Mike: Lets throw this left over chinese food at their cabs to break up the Cabbie Sex.
Mike: man, youre a noob, just say LOL.
Doug: sorry, LOL.
by M Dogg May 27, 2005
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