1 definition by Luciana88

love can be the best thing and the worst thing you can do to a human. It can make you happier than anything, but it can also make you want to kill yourself. When you love somebody you make them your everything and you truly believe that if that love leaves you will feel empty. So when that love does leave you it is the worst feeling in the world. The reason it feels so bad is because you can't feel anything at all. You feel empty and alone. You don't feel alone because you have always felt depressed, you feel depressed because at one point the love you had made you feel really happy but when that love leaves the happiness leaves too.
Greg: hey I heard Jessica left you for Parker, you feeling okay bro?
Joseph: why do I feel so empty, it's like I can't be happy anymore
Greg: I'm sorry man, that's what love does to you
by Luciana88 February 22, 2018
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