1 definition by Lorris Gray


A youth organization that make good men better. It's a form of Masonic Youth. It teaches them respect and gives them leadership qualities. It has different offices and is a democracy. You elect the Master Councilor for the term. but there is a line you must go through first. Many well known people that succeeded in life were in DeMolay. Some people may think that DeMolay is a cult. well by exact dictionary definition it somewhat is. but! so is Church. so watch what you say. you could be a hypocrite. See DeMolay is named after Jacques de Molay. The last Knights Templar. He was tortured for 7 years before he was burned at the stake. The Catholics wanted to know where the treasure was at. But he never told them. He never even gave them another name of a fellow knight templar. DeMolay teaches guys to stay true to their obligations. and anyone who thinks that they sacrifice things and only recruit to get a quota. they are wrong. DeMolay's recruit members to share DeMolay and it's teachings. DeMolay is a International group. and every chapter has a elected sweetheart court. which contains a sweetheart, princess and dutches. DeMolay is a very good thing for a young man to experience.
That responsible man there was a DeMolay.
by Lorris Gray July 11, 2008
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