2 definitions by Lord of Cheese

(n) When a guy coughs too hard and they get a piercing pain in the center of their grundel that feels like someone is biting them.
Dude, I coughed so hard from that smoke that I got grundel bite.

I doubled over from that grundel bite; I swear I thought my grundel was going to rip open!
by Lord of Cheese February 7, 2005
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Any type of meat that shares a similar taste, consistancy, and scent of a pussy.

How it came to be:
Upon ordering a chicken caesar salad once, I took my first bite and realized something tasted very familar, but not like chicken. I then immediately associated it with pussy. Not only did it taste like it, but it had labial consistancy, that is, a labial feeling on my tongue, and upon a quick inhale through my nose, the scent of a washed pussy.

I dubbed the chicken - Cuntchops.
Man, I went to the Cheesecake Factory last night and I swore I was eating cuntchops!

I'm not a big fan of cuntchops... It reminds me too much of my ex.
by Lord of Cheese February 7, 2005
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