1 definition by Lonny Da Tiger

Also know as the acronym for "Fat Upper Pussy Area", is a term used to describe the general region of the human torso located just under the navel.
Characterized by saggy-ass skin, no remaining elasticity, wrinkles, rolls, flab, ugliness, lumps, cellulite, muffin-top, bad-fitting clothes, and being single; this condition is not normally regarded as attractive.
Causes which lead one to develop a FUPA are typically, but not limited to: obesity, loosing weight, really unfortunate skin disproportion, your baby’s daddy, severe laziness, switching from beer to gin, and being really fucking old.
FUPA can be corrected via tummy-tuck, girdles, excessive exercise, skin-eating disease, marathon sex or an eating disorder.
This term is feminine and is thus almost entirely used in reference to the female gender… but, could potentially be altered (replace the P-ussy with C-ock) and used for a really messed up dude, probably jacked on some form of synthetic estrogen or just really flabby in an odd spot.
"Gawd, your mamma is so fat, when you want to find her pussy you have to flip her FUPA untill you smell shit and then go back one."
by Lonny Da Tiger February 25, 2008
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