2 definitions by Lol u don’t need to no mah nam

An intelligent and kind person, but seems like a scum wad until you get to know him, then he’s funny as hell, and the main reason is because he’ll harp on anyone, including himself. They don’t like to express affection, but they’re pretty awesome. Some say he banished demons from the universe, so you should probably not let him go. If you ever meet a Colin, don’t mess with him, because they are small, they can screw you up really bad. Most people don’t want to give one drugs, because they’re afraid of his imagination, which can be pretty weird, ranging from complex weapons to god knows what. Don’t ever cheat him or screw him over, because some not so happy things can happen. Colins are nonetheless the most awesome person you will ever meet.
Person 1: Dude, are you ok?
Person 2: I slept with Colin’s girl, and I still owe him money after he loaned me some a few moths ago
Person 1: Dude, you’re so S.O.L. Best of luck to ya
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Also see: Trash, Sucks, etc. Being popular sucks. Everyone will know your name (unless some don’t pay attention to that garbage). But then people like to stalk, and I personally don’t want that. Then, once you become popular, it’s next to impossible to stop being popular. Also, if you are, most popular people think it’s o.k. to look down on everyone that isn’t on the same popularity level, then since you have been nice to your superiors, your superiors won’t believe a complaint from someone who was being harassed. When I was in 6th grade, I had a friend who kept getting bullied by “popular kids”, he was telling me he was thinking about suicide because he started thinking all the comments behind his back about him “being a worthless sack of s***”, and that “Nobody cares about him”. Thankfully, however, that friend got help from counselors, and is now alright. But anyways, being popular sucks! If you currently are popular, check yourself, and be sure that you aren’t hurting anyone, especially emotionally. Hitler was screwed up because of being emotionally abused. That still doesn’t justify the reason he murdered 6,000,000 people for existing.
All the comments in quotations above were actual words uttered out of “popular kids” mouths, about someone. This is why I despised the people that did this, and currently why I despise those people today.
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