2 definitions by Lokimotive

Short for Mission Oriented Protective Posture, a two piece gear worn over BDUs and body armor to prevent contamination from dust like contaminants in a CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear) contaminated environment.
Full MOPP gear is required during civilian rescue operations in the Chernobyl region.
by Lokimotive April 8, 2022
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A condition where, due to large amounts of uric acid in the blood, some of it secrets through sweat and skin pores, especially in the palms and fingers. This frequently causes corrosion, rust, and erosion of metal, leather, and plastic surfaces frequently handled with bare hands, including keyboards, guitar strings, tools, and the like.
"I don't let him handle my bass guitar because he's got piss fingers, and I don't feel like replacing the strings in six weeks."
by Lokimotive October 3, 2021
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