16 definitions by Loca

Britians special forces unit, although slightly below the navy seals, i wouldnt want to fuck with the sas.
bad ass mofos is what they are. they can kill youin many different ways
by Loca July 8, 2004
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A perfect expample are those faggots who grow their hair out and dye it black and dress in black. Who conforms more then they do? Preps may wear the same brand of shirts, but at least they dont listen to the same music, dye your hair black, wear trench coats so you look "tough", dress in black, paint your nails black..wow the people who do this, and there are thousands of them, tell us we are the conformists, they dress the same, listen to the same music, and suck each other off. Get a life you "depressed" loser fucks. Anyone who is gothic is just a homo, simple as that.
move to a 3rd world country if you think your life sucks so bad you fucking losers.
by Loca March 31, 2005
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A place on the western part of the state of PA in the united states. The people are fucking idiots who will kiss the ass of the first republican they can find. most have a Klan uniform in the closet and have a deep love for the steelers, which is ok because i lovet he steelers.
Is that person haning the black guy from grove city? he must be.
by Loca November 8, 2004
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A force that could cause quite a bit of trouble, canada's military is grossly underfunded.
The canadians are nuclear targets for the russians yet the do nothing.
by Loca July 8, 2004
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Clearly the people who made postings here are fat losers who sucked at sports and were made fun of in school because they have no athletic ability. If anything is a waste to this world its not sports, its the air that these fatass losers breathe.
Sports have been around for thousands of years and are very enjoyable, dont be angry because you suck at them.
by Loca March 25, 2005
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6.02x10 to the 23rd. used to find number of atoms and molecules.
big ass number used in physical science and physics
by Loca October 19, 2004
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I know a few kids from north philly. They are the biggest thugs in the world. one of them was from the worst of the worst of the north side of philly. he couldnt read, but he could play basketball and now has a chance to play for the university of cinncinati.
Ill only say his last name which is Denmark, had a chance just because he can dribble a ball.
by Loca September 23, 2004
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