1 definition by Littleboyswillbebugs
DDLG-Daddy dom little girl
DDLB-Daddy dom little boy
MDLG-Mommy dom little girl
MDLB-Mommy dom little boy
A form of BDSM where one partner plays the role of a child or infant for sexual activity
Does not include the participation or actual children or infants
Is not pedophilia
Not the same as LCG or age regression
DDLB-Daddy dom little boy
MDLG-Mommy dom little girl
MDLB-Mommy dom little boy
A form of BDSM where one partner plays the role of a child or infant for sexual activity
Does not include the participation or actual children or infants
Is not pedophilia
Not the same as LCG or age regression
by Littleboyswillbebugs June 2, 2019