2 definitions by Lil Chaldo

Alqosh is a Chaldean village located in northern Iraq. The people that live in alqosh are Chaldeans that are fearless and will do anything to feed their family. They are the most dangerous, but the most loyal and generous people you can meet out of all other Chaldeans. They can be referred to as Alqoshnaya or Alqosh Chaldeans.
Someone: What’s your ethnicity?
Me: I’m Chaldean
Someone: Oh cool! Which village are you from?

Me: Alqosh
by Lil Chaldo November 20, 2018
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Slang term in Arabic/Chaldean referring to a faggot
*gay dude walks in*

Me: “Oh look! It’s a fargha!”
by Lil Chaldo November 20, 2018
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