2 definitions by LibraLady105

1. A troubled woman that makes bad decisions for herself and is usually beautiful, seen through society's standard, which leads to exploitation through media.

2. Used as an derogatory term for Independent Women who do not see a need to have a man in their life permanently.

Note: Often, bitch is inserted for woman.
1. That stripper is one crazy woman.

2. (Derogatory and usually applied when a woman dumps a man and does not return his phone calls, e-mail, does not respond irrationaly and goes about her life, etc.) She's just a crazy woman/bitch.
by LibraLady105 March 19, 2008
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An insult given when after a drinker points out to a non-drinker their skewed logic.

Entering the kitchen and pouring a glass of wine to steady the nerves for the inevitable enslaught after a day of work: "You know I don't think it'd be a good idea if we got married right now. We don't make enough money and we have too many differences between us. This hurts me to say as much as you but it needs to be addressed."

"You're drunk."

After a big sigh. "Fine, then you don't need to marry me. Now get out of my house because I am about to really get drunk, but in the morning I shall be single and sober."
by LibraLady105 March 19, 2008
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