1 definition by LemonDrops

Finuala is a Girls name. They are very shy at first but then she will eventually talk for England. Sometimes she cannot remember why she laughs and sometimes collapses when in hysterics. A fun filled character with endless amusement Finuala Loves being randy, music, animals especially Equus species, Ice Cream, Sweet and sour flavours/personality and also prefers bright coloured clothing with skinny jeans. Finuala is also very sexually alert and can be very boisterous in bed when with the right man or woman. Physically Pretty in the face and good features especially soft feet and a baby's bottom. A finuala can come across as devonesque (shy at times, friendly, outgoing and caring).
" Slow Down Horsey Mommy's Coming"


"Cor Blimey Mate Sour Or What"
by LemonDrops June 1, 2009
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